Find your local Representative
Find your Representative
The local Representative for your area is:
{{::rep.DeliveryDescription}} {{rep.DeliveryDate}}
Shopping with your local Avon Representative is easy!
- Free delivery from your Representative, alternatively pay for courier or Parcel Shop collection to get your order at a time that suits you.
- A wide range of payment options available from paying your Representative on delivery to credit/debit card or PayPal.
- If you're not 100% happy with your purchase, just return it within 28 days of delivery for a refund or exchange.
We don't have a Representative in your area but you can still buy with Avon online by using courier or parcel shop above.
If you know a Representative outside your area you can always buy with her if she is willing to deliver to you
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We don't have a Representative that matches your searched contact detail
Please check the details are correct and try again or try searching using their name or
search for another Representative in your area.
We do not recognise that location - please can you check the spelling and try again
We have found more than one location for your search
Please select the appropriate location or enter a more detailed address: